
No matter what direction you're coming from, there's an easy way to get to Dignity Health Sports Park. Use the map below to navigate and view routes from nearby cities.

Public Transit

There are several available options when taking public transportation to the complex.

Bus and Rail

Please visit LA Metro to find available bus routes and rail lines.

  • Enter your starting address and enter 18400 Avalon Blvd., Carson, 90746 as the ending address. (You'll be asked to confirm 18400 Avalon Blvd., Carson, 90747 as the destination address. Although the correct zip code for the stadium is 90746, the website will return routes to our stadium with the 90747 zip code.)
  • Enter any additional search criteria for your route as directed.
  • A list of bus/rail options is displayed.

The Galaxy Express

The Galaxy Express offers fans free non-stop shuttles to and from Dignity Health Sports Park for every LA Galaxy home match. Click here for more information.

Ride Share Drop Off/Pick Up 

Riders may be dropped off and picked up at Gate A, located on Avalon Blvd. and 184th Street.


General Parking for events is available in a number of on-site parking lots. We recommend that you arrive early to obtain the best general parking locations.

Form of payment for all parking on site is credit card only.

Click here for more information on parking at Dignity Health Sports Park. Click here to purchase parking for LA Galaxy vs. NYCFC.

At the Stadium