Good at social media! The best of Cozmo on Twitter | #GalaxySocial

Here at, it's no secret that we love social media. And when we think of #fun social media, we think of none other than Cozmo. The Galaxy's endearing taco and soccer loving alien has captured the hearts of thousands on the World Wide Web 140 characters at a time. 

Ahead of #GalaxySocial Night, we thought it would be fun to round up some of our favorite Cozmo moments on Twitter dot com. 

That time he got escorted off the field

His relentless banter

His ability to be very, very humble

That time he live-tweeted a pig at a watch party

When he puts things into perspective

His passion for Galaxy players

Did we mention his banter?

He's very, very literate

He always down for a good chase

But did we mention his banter?

And he really loves tacos, but there are so many tweets about them it was impossible to choose just one. 

Catch Cozmo doing his thing at #GalaxySocial Night this Saturday!