Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 3.07.47 PM
Item Pick-Up Information
Item Pick-Up Information

Your item must be picked up on the day of the game; it will not be held or shipped.

September 21

AYSO Night Pack

Please come to Galaxy Park from 3:30pm-6pm or the Item Pickup table at the northeast tennis concourse outside Section 139 (between Guest Services and Benihana) after the 75th minute to claim your drawstring bag.

Central American Heritage Night Mug

Please come to the Item Pickup table at the northeast tennis concourse outside Section 139 (between Guest Services and Benihana) to claim your mug. Pickup for the mug will begin in the 80th minute.

October 5

Dia De Los Muertos Ticket Pack

Please come to the Item Pickup table at the northeast tennis concourse outside Section 139 (between Guest Services and Benihana) to claim your Beanie. Booth will close down at the 70th minute.

LA Galaxy Tickets
LA Galaxy Tickets